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Skin Cancer Medicine


Skin Cancer Checks & Spot Checks

Skin Biopsy

Skin Cancer Treatments

Skin cancer checks are performed at Skin MD in Moorabool St, Geelong.


A full-body skin check involves the examination of your skin with the exception of those areas covered by your underwear. 


It is possible to develop skin cancers in areas not exposed to the sun, so let Dr. Rebecca know about any spots that worry you, regardless of the location.


Spot checks are appointments for when you have a spot you are concerned about because it is new, changing, or different from the rest. 

Appointments for spot checks are typically available within 2 weeks.

To determine how best to manage a suspicious spot, local anaesthetic is used to make the skin numb and a sample of tissue is removed.


 The biopsy is used to confirm the type of skin cancer and its specific features. This ensures your skin cancer is managed appropriately according to the latest medical evidence.


Topical treatments such as light therapy (PDT), creams or cryotherapy may be used to treat some thin skin cancers. Cancers that extend deeper into the skin are usually treated by surgical excision with stitches.


For complex skin cancers, you may be referred for further specialised care.


Dr Rebecca is contracted to provide vasectomy services at a number of locations in the western suburbs of Melbourne for MSI Australia (Formerly Marie Stopes).

MSI is the largest vasectomy provider in Australia offering a

"no scalpel, open-ended vasectomy".

For more information and to make a booking with Dr Rebecca go to

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